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Join us for UWC Day 2017
and Welcome
2:00 PM
Sign in, grab a coffee, catch up with old friends.
Diversity Panel
2:30 PM
Maya Alkateb-Chami - Jusoor
Analisa Leonor Balares - Womensphere
Cheryl Pahaham - NY Comptroller's Office
Tamara Morgan and Carolyn Feenaghty - Adaptive Design Labs
3:40 PM
Light refreshments will be served
Improv Comedy Workshop
4:00 PM
The challenges of diversity can be hard to talk about. Let's learn to laugh about it instead!
Small Group Conversations on Diversity
5:00 PM
Join the conversation! What are issues and challenges with diversity we deal with daily? How does diversity relate to the UWC mission?
After Party!
6:00 PM
Join us to continue the party at a local bar!
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