Letter Writing for Nicaragua with Amaya Coppens
Thu, Jul 25
|New York University
Join UWC NYC and Amaya Coppens for a gathering to write letters advocating divestment from the Ortega regime in Nicaragua. Anyone is welcome to come in person or join the video conference remotely, but please register beforehand so you can enter the NYU building or get the video conference link.

Time & Location
Jul 25, 2019, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
New York University, New York, NY, USA
About The Event
The UWC Board of New York City is organizing a letter writing campaign to stop funding of the Daniel Ortega dictatorship in Nicaragua. As some of you know, Amaya Coppens (LPC '14) is a political activist that was jailed on 2 September 2018 and released on 11 June 2019 by the Ortega regime. She will be joining us via Skype!
Daniel Ortega became president of Nicaragua in 2007 and since then he has concentrated power on himself and his close circle. The congress and courts are now controlled by him and his wife/vice-president Rosario Murillo. In April 2018 massive demonstrations erupted across Nicaragua triggered by a reform to social security benefits. These demonstrations were drawn to a close after the government killed more than 300 members of the opposition and jailed about the same number of political activists, including Amaya.
The workshop is on Thursday, July 25th @ 7pm at New York University Silver Center room 403. The agenda for the event is:
- Introduction: Presentation by UWC alumni economist specialized on Nicaragua summarizing the political and economic events that led to the April 2018 demonstrations.
- Conversation with Amaya Coppens: The conversation will get started by a moderator and there will be time for Q&A.
- Letter writing: There will be a time for writing letters addressed to the World Bank, Inter American Development Bank, Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economica. The letters will request these institutions to stop funding the Nicaraguan government given the human rights violations committed by the Ortega dictatorship.
We need to provide NYU a list of the people that will attend the event, so please register here by TUESDAY, July 22nd:
The video conference will also be available via Webex so you can listen to the conversation by phone or online:
Meeting number (access code): 737 475 587 Meeting password: nicaragua (64227248 from phones)
To join the meeting online copy and paste in your browser the next URL:
Join the meeting by phone: +1-517-466-2023 US Toll +1-866-692-4530 US Toll Free
For more global call in numbers: https://fitch.webex.com/fitch/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=815018972&tollFree=1